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Mastering Shallow Pole Fishing
When the weather warms up, there's one method that consistently outperforms others: shallow fishing on the pole. Despite its reputation for being challenging and complex, many anglers shy away from it. However, the rewards are substantial.
Feed Little and Often
Feeding is arguably the most crucial aspect of successful shallow fishing. It's essential to maintain enough fish in the upper layers to create the necessary competition to catch them. At the same time, you must avoid overfeeding, which can drive the fish down to the bottom.
This is where the strategy of feeding little and often comes into play. By regularly feeding small amounts, you create a continuous column of food that attracts fish without overwhelming them with bait. This approach ensures that there is always a small amount of bait present, fostering competition and increasing the chances of your hookbait being taken quickly.

Don’t Ignore the Jigger
The Jigger is a relatively new rig that stands out from the standard shallow rig due to its unique design, where the float is not fixed and can slide between two stops on the line. This proven and effective method has consistently outperformed fixed shallow rigs, often resulting in multiple catches while others struggle to get bites.
What makes the Jigger so effective? Its sliding float allows you to fish at various depths simultaneously. You can slowly lower your hookbait or jig it up and down, all while keeping the float in action. Additionally, the direct and tight line to your elastic ensures that fish hook themselves against the pole elastic, with most bites resulting in the elastic streaming out of the pole tip.
Mark Your Top Kits
Depth is crucial to shallow fishing success. The most successful anglers constantly adjust their depths, either by using different rigs or moving their floats.
Knowing the precise depth you are fishing at is essential. A change of just an inch can mean the difference between catching fish and sitting idle without bites.
To ensure accuracy, mark your top kits with a set of depth markers. While some poles come with marks every six inches, it's even better to have a mark every inch. This allows you to know the exact depth at which you are fishing and catching, providing a reliable reference for future sessions.

Fishing Pellets: The Ultimate Bait
If there’s one bait that can guarantee success in shallow fishing across various venues, it’s pellets. Available in multiple sizes to suit different fish, pellets create an attractive noise when they hit the surface, drawing fish from afar.
You don’t need to feed many pellets to achieve good results. Combining them with the little-and-often feeding strategy is a surefire way to success. While matching your feed to your hookbait can catch several fish, always carry different sizes and colours of hookbaits. A simple change in colour, such as using red pellets, can significantly impact your session. For f1s and small carp, a mix of 4mm and 6mm pellets works well. For larger carp, a combination of 6mm and 8mm pellets is ideal.
By incorporating these tips and techniques into your shallow fishing approach, you'll enhance your chances of success and make the most of this effective method. Happy fishing!